Planet Earth Screensaver

This is planet Earth - screensaver! O.k this is not much of a big deal, just something created out of having way to much spare time. There are two versions. Theres the one without cheesy midi, and theres the one with cheesy midi. There's no function to turn the midi off/on, so there are two file versions. When I get a better screen saver package, I will create better screensavers. Just humor me, ok?

Version 1.00a (PESAVERA.EXE) (342KB)
Does not have the midi

Version 1.00b (PESAVERB.EXE) (345KB)
Has the midi

Right, so the midi isn't to bad. If you wanna preview it, click
here. The two files have been zipped, but they have been made zipped executables so you don't need special software to unzip them. They are not harmful in any way, but if you don't trust us that's fine too :). Both versions run on 16-Bit and 32-Bit systems.(i.e Win3.x/win9x).

Credit goes to Hiroyuki Asakawa for sequencing the midi.
Please tell me if you have his address! :I.

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